
Friday, March 16, 2012

Cupcakes to go

I LOVE to bake and decorate cupcakes and nothing makes me more happy than to make them for the people in my life… the biggest problem here is that most of the people in my life live far away and…. well… cupcakes don't ship so well. Until NOW!

I saw this idea on Pintrist (oh how I love thee) and tried it out the very next day. It's one of those things that is so simple it's brilliant.

Bake the cupcakes in a mason jar! Then there's room to decorate and put the lid on top. Perfect for shipping!

This opens a whole new world of cupcakes

Watch out friends and family! There may be cupcakes in your future!


Preeti said...

That is such a cool idea! Those cupcakes (jarcakes?) look so yummy!!

Jocelyn said...

Any chance one of those jars can visit Dubai? :)